"Tea is hot and getting hotter. From iced to spiced, from austere black tea to sweetened and milky chai, from a flowery pick-me-up to a healing herbal, no other beverage has such a place in the heart of every civilization. No wonder it is the most popular beverage in the world, next to water."
- Sara Perry, The New Tea Book

Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday's Featured Herb: Rose Petals!

Have you ever wanted to know why roses are considered the ideal gift to express love?

There is an interesting reason for this... beyond its distinctive beauty, enchanting aroma and romantic image, Roses actually do have a soothing effect on the heart and emotions and help to balance the mind and body.

High in Vitamin C and loaded with medicinal value, Rose Petal Tea is great for combating illness and boosting immunity and also works great as an herbal bath, face wash or body spray to enrich, heal and beautify the skin and hair!

The Extraordinary Health Benefits of Rose Petal Tea:

1. It clears toxins and heat from the body. As a result, it has a cooling effect on the body.

2. It can relieve sore throats, runny noses and blocked bronchial tubes.

3. It is useful for people prone to chest problems by reinforcing the lungs and fighting against infections.

4. Rose tea helps to fight infections in the digestive tract and re-establishes the normal bacterial population of the intestines.

5. It relieves fluid retention and hastens the elimination of wastes through kidneys.

6. It is a wonderful remedy for dysentery, diarrhea and gastro-enteritis.

7. It has laxative effects and works as a remedy for sluggishness and constipation.

8. It cleanses the liver and gall bladder and promotes healthy bile flow.

9. Rose petal tea can be used to relieve uterine congestion that causes pain and heavy periods. It is an excellent remedy for irregular periods and infertility, as well as to perk up sexual desire in both men and women.

10. It has an uplifting effect on the nervous system and can relieve insomnia, depression and fatigue.

Start Reaping the Benefits Today With Our Organic Rose Petal Tea, Positive Vibes and Black Rose blends!


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